Thursday, January 1, 2009

We Have Relocated!

Thank you for your support for this blog.
We have relocated to our own server with an independent domain name.
It will contain a whole new layout with more features and more frequent updated contents.

Please visit our NutraSource E-Zine from now on!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blood Circulation Activating Plaster (舒筋活絡膏)

  • Indications: For temporary relieve of pains, sprains, injuries, sore shoulders and backs, lumbago and pains in sinews and bones.

  • Directions: Apply the plaster to the affected part after cleaning and wiping the skin dry, and press gently against it.

  • Caution: For pregnant oman, this plaster should not be applied to the abdomen.

  • Storage: Keep it in dry and cool place and out of reach of children.

Manufactured By: Sheng Chun Tang Pharmaceutical Industrial Co., Ltd.
Country of Origin: Taiwan

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fish oil (魚油) and seal oil (海豹油)

Did you know, Greenland Eskimos have a low chance of having heart disease and cancer compared with other Western populations? This fact is quite interesting, when you think about all the high-fat contents of their daily diet, such as seal and whale.
Medical researches have shown beneficiary affects with cardiovascular and thrombotic diseases when your diet is complemented with sources of "n-3 PUFA", meaning seal oil, cod liver oil and whale oil.

Oils from fish and seal are quite similar in their fatty acid composition and their affects on health, although fish oils are more readily available for extraction. Seal oils also have similar EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DPA (docosapentaenoic acid) properties as fish oils. DPA was shown to have the effects of stimulating the repair of blood vessels and may have attribtued to reducing female coronary artery diseases.

One of the advantage of seal oil over fish oil is the resistance from oxidation. The n-3 PUFA fatty acid in fish and mammal oils are known to have a high rate of auto-oxidation, naturally producing chemically toxic substances that can cause cancer in humans.

The other advantage of seal oil is related to the structure of the fatty acid, in which fish oil and seal oil are esterified and consumed differently inside the body, resulting in higher n-3 PUFA levels in the erythrocyte membrane and neuronal tissue.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Aloe vera (蘆薈) in skincare and health remedy

Aloe vera has been used in natural healthcare for centuries due to its rich source of minerals and vitamins. One specie of aloe is the Aloe Barbadensis, or simply aloe vera has the most nutritional factors in promoting a healthy body. The leaves of the aloe vera are often extracted into juices in drinks and pharamaceutical uses for its healing effects.

This healing plant contains 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acides and over 200 active plant compounds including enzymes, triterpenes, glycoproteins and glyconutrients, polysaccharides, and phenolic glycosides that are largely important elements for a healthy body.

The affects of the aloe vera can help to better the digestion in the stomach, improve the body's immune system, and promote a healthier skin as it nourishes the skin cells and speed up the tissue regeneration.

Aloe vera can be applied externally to wounds as well for a faster recovery by generating collagens and balancing the skin's pH. If taken internally, it can enhance the body's immune system and stop the generation of inflammatory mediators.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Cordyceps Concentrated General & Nerve Tonic (冬蟲夏草濃縮健腦補腎丸)

  • Functions: It nourishes the liver and kidneys, tranquilizing the mind by nourishing the heart, tonify 'Qi' and strengthen the spleen.

  • Indications: Insufficiency of Yin-blood of heart, liver and kidney, or physical exhaustion, dizziness, headache, sleeplessness, absentmindedness as a result of deficiency of 'Qi' and 'Yin'.

  • Dosage: For adult, take 2 -3 capsules with warm water after meal, 2 - 3 times a day. For children reduce dosage properly or to be used only in accordance with the instructions of a registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner or Chinese Medicine Pharmacist.